by admin | Jan 2, 2014 | 2013, An Icon a Day, Christmas, Copenhagen, December, icons
A mesmerising exhibition at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
Over the Christmas holiday the children’s art wing of the Louisiana is placing a great focus on this exhibition with family show rounds at 11:30.

by admin | Jan 2, 2014 | 2013, An Icon a Day, Christmas, Copenhagen, December, icons
The building opposite mine has recently been cleaned….the cover coming off the scaffolding the night of the first storm….wrapping itself around the central street lighting and revealing my friendly faced daily view… Clearly designed by an architect with a sense of humour.
I’ve always felt smiled upon in this home.

by admin | Jan 2, 2014 | 2013, An Icon a Day, Christmas, Copenhagen, December, icons
My first year freelancing is drawing to a close. A challenging, but fun year.
I would like to thank everyone for their amazing support….for the likes, for all the encouraging words, and words of advice. A huge thank you to all those that helped and pushed me to produce my Copenhagen posters and postcards…for the purchases!! – that helped keep the wolf from the door…. and all the graphic collaborations!
I’m excited to see what 2014 brings!
Happy Christmas!
Love Emma x

by admin | Jan 2, 2014 | 2013, An Icon a Day, Christmas, Copenhagen, December, icons
It’s that time of year where parents face the Christmas present conundrum….What to buy? How much to spend? What’s enough?, What’s too much?…..But Copenhagen kids already have a fantastic gift 58% of them cycle to school!
According to the Københavns Kommune 2011/12 cycling statistics – of the 45,500 schoolchildren in Copenhagen, a daily average of 26,390 bike to their schools.
Great for the kids, great for the parents and great for the community.

by admin | Jan 2, 2014 | 2013, An Icon a Day, Christmas, Copenhagen, December, icons
In a little under an hour, there is an event being hosted by the KulturSkaberne Nørrebro – part of their 24 DAGE MED KULTUR advent calendar.
JEG ER NØRREBRO is an audiowalk – an app for your smart phone that allows you to take a walk in inner Nørrebro whilst listening to 28 stories about the area.
Tid: Tirsdag den 17. december, kl. 16.00 – 17.00
Sted: Nørrebrohallen, Nørrebrogade 208
Pris: Gratis

by admin | Jan 2, 2014 | 2013, An Icon a Day, Christmas, Copenhagen, December, icons
Nisserne er løs på Zoologisk Museum, København
If you’ve not had enough of a troublesome Nisse at home, then there are more causing problems at the Zoologisk Museum. Take part in the search throughout the rest of this Christmas month.
( NB: For at give nisserne arbejdsro holder museet lukket d. 23., 24., 25., 26., 30. og 31. december samt 1. januar.)